Today, I delivered the keynote speech at the Cloud Computing World Forum in London. Here’s the gist of my message:
- Cloud computing is real, and it is growing at such an accelerated pace that it will enable extraordinary and fundamental change opportunities in industries such as health care.
- One obstacle is that those with technology expertise don’t necessarily have the domain expertise of the complex policy-driven healthcare industry. An example: GoogleHealth (now disbanded) failed to appreciate the subtle differences between clinical medical records and claims-adjusted medical records.
- True innovation will occur at the edges of the converging “expertise domains” such as Big Data cloud analytics, wireless mobility, health care policies and practices, and Big Brand consumer services.
- Telehealth eVisits and personal assistant eCoaching, walk-in urgent care centers, and HIPAA-compliant social media engagement platforms are examples of how consumer- branded healthcare services may become as obvious in the next decade as fast-food restaurants, large pharmacy chains, and shopping malls have become over the past 50 years.
It’s unrealistic to believe that politicians will come up with solutions for health care’s out-of-control inflating expense. I’m optimistic that entrepreneurs are our best chance to be the game-changers who create new companies that motivate patients to take more responsibility for their own health and wellness. Thanks to the cloud computing revolution, entrepreneurs have better and cheaper opportunities than ever before to experiment with novel consumer services.